Saturday, September 27, 2008

Does sweating cause acne

« ...So what's the point? The point is that despite its widespread nature and the obvious social impact that it has, acne remains something of a mystery for medical science. In plain English, we do not know exactly what causes acne. As dermatologist Dr Andrew Waite says, "Acne is somewhat like the common cold. Almost everyone gets it, but we don't know exactly what causes it, and therefore cannot formulate a pinpoint cure for it."...
...The first thing that you can do when is take a look at a diet. You'll find that eating greasy foods won't affect your complexion, and for the chocoholics out there, happily enough, neither does chocolate! That doesn't mean, however that you can ignore your diet entirely. You'll find that taking things like caffeine and alcohol out of your diet can go a long way towards treating your condition, and you'll also find that if you can keep sugar down, some of problems might be alleviated....»
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«...The physical appearance of acne pustules and acne papules makes it very difficult to tell the apart at times The similarity ends there because an acne pustule contains pus and the inflammation seem visible enough. The base of any acne pustule is slightly red and the center is white in color as it is filled with pus.Most people will assume that because the presence of pus, acne pustule must be filled with bacteria. This may not be entirely true....»
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tags: top consumer review acne, what is the best remedy for teenage acne, the over-all best acne treatment reviews

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